Purchasing Made Easy - TMC And The BuyBoard

Texas Multi-Chem, Ltd. is a qualified BuyBoard vendor of chemical/fertilizer/conditioner products for athletic fields. In addition to these products we offer athletic field turf construction and renovation services. What does that mean? That means any of our customers can use the BuyBoard to avoid much of the time consuming effort involved with soliciting bids for the sports turf products and services we offer, making the job of purchasing easier.

BuyBoard Membership

Becoming a member of the BuyBoard is free and open to all local governments, nonprofits, and other political subdivisions of the state of Texas. The following is some info from the BuyBoard FAQ page -  The BuyBoard is a Local Government Purchasing Cooperative. TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) administers and handles the day-to-day activities of the Cooperative. The Cooperative analyzes and makes award recommendations for products and services that have been submitted for competitive procurement as outlined by state statute. All awarded items or catalogs will be posted on a secure Web site, called the BuyBoard, so that Cooperative members can search for and select items and order.

For more info, visit the following links: